The Importance of Smoke Control Special Inspections


Achieve your project occupancy goals by hiring a coordinated smoke control special inspection team. Because of the uniqueness and complexity of smoke control systems found in high-rise buildings, atrium and malls, the Building Code requires smoke control systems to be tested by experienced special inspectors. A special inspection team typically consists of individuals with expertise in fire protection engineering, mechanical engineering and air balancing. Some jurisdictions, like Los Angeles, require smoke control and air balance special inspectors to be licensed.

Smoke control special inspections primarily occur at two different stages during the smoke control system installation. The first round of special inspections occur before concealment of ductwork where ducts are leakage tested, and locations of all fire protection devices (e.g., dampers) are verified and documented. The second round of special inspections occurs just prior to occupancy. During the last round of special inspections the following smoke control system elements are tested and verified:

- Programming of all dampers and smoke control equipment.

- Correct status for all dampers and equipment (e.g., smoke control fans) is displayed and annunciated on the firefighters smoke control panel and test panel.

- Fire alarm initiating devices are tested and verified that the panels are receiving the correct signals.

- Pressure testing of active smoke zones (e.g., stairs and corridors) to confirm minimum pressure differentials are achieved and door opening forces are in compliance. Testing of the smoke control system is performed under emergency power conditions.

Upon successful completion of the special inspections, the smoke control special inspector will generate a Report documenting the testing and air balancing performed and submit to the mechanical engineering of record, Fire Department and Building Department.

Younghusband Consulting, Inc. specialized in developing creative and cost-effective smoke control designs with coordinated certified smoke control special inspection services.

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